Peri-Implantitis: Management of Peri-Implant Diseases
Course Faculty
Course Description
A variety of technical and biological complications can occur in implant dentistry, with functional and/or esthetic consequences. It is most important to understand the underlying reasons for each of these complications in order to avoid them. Some of complications associated with implant installation and restoration include incorrect diagnosis and treatment plan, improper implant or abutment selection, incorrect implant position, inadequate available soft tissue or bone and excess retained cement. Some of the inflammatory complications that can occur subsequent to restoration can include poor oral hygiene measures and/or inadequate implant maintenance, leading to peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis with associated soft tissue and bone loss. Of paramount importance is regular maintenance care to monitor implant health and intervene early. Some of the prosthetic complications include screw loosening, screw fracture or restoration failures.
With increasing popularity of implants, the prevalence of negative outcomes has been steadily increasing, requiring clinicians to be able to manage these complications
This course will provide basic understanding of the biologic complications of implant therapy with guidelines for treatment of peri-implant diseases.
Educational Objectives
- Diagnosis peri-implant diseases:
- Peri-implant mucositis
- Peri-implantitis
- Risk Assessment: Patient and site characteristics
- Management of patient/site risks
- Etiology of peri-implant diseases
- Evidence of efficacy of therapy for mucositis and peri-implantitis
- Implant surface decontamination:
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Lasers
- Antimicrobial therapy
- Systemic antibiotics
- Local antimicrobial therapy
- Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
- Resective therapy
- Regenerative therapy
- Peri-implant maintenance care
- Pre- and post-operative care
Educational Format
This course offers flexible educational format to accommodate all clinicians.
All participants will have access to all online course resources, which can be accessed on-demand, including:
- Lectures on background, scientific evidence and clinical case management
- Clinical videos demonstrating surgical and prosthetic protocols
- References: PDF files of publications and manuals
- Material list
Live In-Person Education:
We have taken extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of all participants:
- Attendance is strictly limited to allow physical distancing
- Surgically clean air filtration system
- Masks will be required
- No food or beverage consumption will be allowed within the institute
- All breaks will take place outside
Remote Live Synchronous Education: Lectures and Hands-On Workshop
Participants will have access to all online educational resources and will participate in all live sessions. Recordings of live lectures will be made available for later reference.
All instruments and workshop material will be shipped to participants to allow completion of all simulated exercises at participants’ home or office. The workshops can be completed synchronously during live sessions, where live feedback can be requested from the instructor. Alternatively, recordings can be watched on-demand for completion or repeat of workshop exercises.
Remote Live Synchronous Education: Lecture Only
Participants will have access to all educational material, including live participation in lectures, live surgeries and watching the hands-on exercises.
Remote Asynchronous Education: Lectures and Hands-On Workshop
Participants will have access to all online educational material and can access the material on an on-demand basis.
All instruments and workshop material will be shipped to participants to allow completion of all simulated exercises at participants’ homes or offices.
Remote Live Asynchronous Education: Lecture Only
Participants will have access to all online educational material and can access the material (lectures, live surgeries and watching the hand-on exercises) on an on-demand basis.
$995 Live In-Person: Lecture + Workshop
$895 Remote Learning: Lecture + Workshop
$595 Remote Learning: Lectures Only
CE Units
4 hours of on-demand online education
8 hours of live lecture + hands-on workshop and live surgery demonstration
Live event: Sunday, August 8, 2021
Tuition bundle: register for August 7 (peri-implant soft tissue management) and Aug 8 (Peri-implantitis) courses and receive 20% discount. Select course bundle option when registering.
Simulated Workshop and Live Surgery
- Implant surface decontamination and implantoplasty
- Regeneration of peri-implant osseous defects
- Resective management of peri-implantitis