Homa H. Zadeh, DDS, PhD

Tuition: $1495 (before April 1), $1695 (after April 1)

  • 14 hours of on-demand online education
  • 14 hours of live lecture + hands-on workshop
  • Live event: Sunday, June 14, 2020

Peri-implant bone has been long considered the most critical factor for long-term maintenance of dental implant health. Peri-implant soft tissues have frequently been regarded to be important for esthetics of implant-supported restorations. However, recent evidence has demonstrated the significance of the quantity and quality of peri-implant mucosa for the long-term health of peri-implant tissues. A decision tree will be presented for soft tissue augmentation needs. A variety of soft tissue augmentation procedures have been employed for augmentation of peri-implant mucosal deficiencies. The “vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access” (VISTA) is suited for peri-implant soft tissue augmentation. The hands-on workshop will provide participants with practical experience with protocols used for peri-implant soft tissue augmentation. The live surgery demonstration will illustrate the complete protocol.

Educational Objectives:

  • Identification of peri-implant mucosal deficiencies and relationship to outcome
  • Risk Assessment: Patient and site characteristics and risk management
  • Material Selection:
  • Autogenous tissue: Palate vs tuberosity; Epithelialized graft; connective tissue graft
  • Allogenic grafts (acellular dermis); Xenograft: form-stable and native grafts
  • Leukocyte Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF)
  • Peri-implant mucosal recession
  • Peri-implant thickness augmentation and Vestibuloplasty
  • Peri-implant esthetic correction
  • Pontic contour augmentation
  • Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA) protocol

Simulated Workshop and Live Surgery

  • Treatment of peri-implant mucosal recession
  • Autogenous tissue harvesting: Palate, tuberosity
  • Peri-implant thickness augmentation
  • L-PRF preparation and application

Class Brochure
Dentist Tuition Registration